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Nico Ventures™ is an international B2B consulting company.

  • Coaching and advisement for leadership, health professionals, and healthcare organizations.
  • Promotional representation of leading organizations that develop health, nutraceutical, and eco-friendly products and services.
  • Investments in dynamic organizations, products, and services that support global health and sustainability initiatives.
  • Manage talent and book entertainment services for a nationally acclaimed vocal artist. 
Review Services


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Dr. Eric Rydland

Founder, Dr. Rydland's Herbal Formulas, Kids Wellness

We appreciate Dr. David Nico’s vision for a healthy society and his assistance to our business development.

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Dr. Charles Parker

Founder, CorePsych, Neuroscientist, Author, Speaker

Dr. David stays up-to-date on the latest nutritional/healing information and consults with CorePysch.

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Dr. Shannon Ginnan

Founder, Medalase, Aimed Alliance

Dr. Nico has always been extremely responsive and my interactions with him give me the distinct impression that he has a high moral standard and truly cares about people.


NICO VENTURES™ is a health and medical consulting, investment, and talent management firm founded in 2005 by Dr. David Nico. One of his premier passions is to explore, develop, and promote the most innovative health and medical products and services. NICO VENTURES™ accomplishes this mission through strategic endeavors and alliances in business, government, media, and entertainment. With a passion for discovering the truth about health, NICO VENTURES™ transforms the look and feel of health perceptions worldwide. NICO VENTURES™ is the catalyst that bridges innovative ideas to outstanding results.

VISION: One of the most progressive companies for improving health and well-being in spirit, soul, and body.

MISSION: To provide business leaders, organizations, and health professionals access to advanced wholeness-based solutions.

BELIEFS: We believe in real food, land, energy, sound, and resources. We envision no harmful chemicals, pollutants, or genetically altered ingredients. A society precisely the way God intended, with the freedom to breathe clean air, drink pure water, and nourish with ideal health solutions. 

VALUES: We share the following values:

  • Wholeness
  • Truth
  • Education
  • Relationships
  • InnovationÂ